Thursday, February 02, 2006


January ended...February steps in...

28th January 2006, my border line of 20s...tak percaya?? i told my friend....this year is my finale 20s programme...reaching 30s plak next year...thanks to all who sent me ur wishes...for long life & prosperities..what i need is a dosage of maturity & prosperities...

Hari nih dah hari kedua, bulan 2 2006...what i've done so far? went to kursus kawin wif my fiancee and my good friend azlina & nihra....part of preparation into family commitment..;) dah ready ker?


Blogger Unknown said...

zalie.. happy birthday! heheheh... patutnye, aku la belanja kau.. ye tak.. tapi kau lak yg belanja aku.. takpe la... ooo... hujung minggu ni nak pi dating yek??? *wink*

8:00 PM  

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