Tuesday, May 03, 2005

My BeloVed SiSteR HaNa & MY BeST FriEND, ZaZerQue..during AGM SriKANDi

you have to think before you speak to me!
my presence ever makes you feel uncomfortable!
you have to thank me for everything i do for you!
you have to say sorry for everythingthat you don't do!
you have to ask me for favours!
you think i would not be curious toknow your new philosophy of life!
you go by what i say and do not understandwhat i don't say!
you think that listening to your dreamswould put me to sleep!
you think that seeing you in pain, wouldnot bring a tear to me!
you think I do not remember the first timewe met!
you don't see the thousand ways I try tomake you happy!
you don't realise how your smile brightensup my day!
you would rather keep quiet when you reallywanna talk!
you hesitate to ask me to stay back whenyou think we should be together!
you take too much time to tell me what i mean to you!


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