Tuesday, April 05, 2005

My HAPiNeSS & SouL Mates ;)

From left : Ana, SyA2, DaNisH & CT..Me d PHoToGraPher ;p
Author: Margie Winkelmann

There are many times
we look back,
and that friend of ours
has gotten off track.

There are many times
we look ahead,
and we have for that friend,
a piece of bread.

We look at the days
the skies were sunny,
and the jokes that we told
were actually funny.

We look at the days
the skies were gray,
and we really didn't
have much to say.

When troubles came
you were there by my side
Drying the tears
that I couldn't hide

When good times came
we shared them together
We've got a friendship
No None could sever.

Friends are very special
and as precious as can be
That's why I'm glad
You're a friend to me.


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