Monday, June 26, 2006


hi dude,

i'm back...after season of hybernation...thing happens so fast...some thoughts & records...(aper ingat arkib ker??)

30 April 2006 : congrates to atan (nama manja sepupu aku) and salima for the engagement day at alor gajah..The picture captured yet to insert later cd been kept by my friend, rique (rique?? ko nak buat pekasam ker cd aku tuh??aku nak balik!!)

2 days after the family gathering (lepas wan tunang), i can't recall the actual date, our dear Ayah Chik been attacked by 'Angin Ahmar'. We were not told bout the incident until a week after....rushing to Kuala Lipis, we were released to see him recovering..thanks to person who safe my uncle's life with first aid, should us share the techniques to save more lifes..
Moral of the story : Keep a healthy life by regular exercise at 3 times a week and consume healthy food. Have rest and enough bedtime sleep ;) i dun meant ur daylight sleep..

Returned form kuala lipis (ct? r u sure Dato' K not ur calon ker? he rish ma!!! *rich like rishi kapoor*) my niece warded at puteri specialist, she's suspected to have lung's infection...2 days then she discharged..lega (kalau tak mama & papa berkampung kat sepital)

7th June - new bABY BOY born (nisrina nabihah lil brother)- my nephew, Mohammad Hamizan bin Khairul Ariffin at 4.35pm (rite after azan asar) at 3.3kg, 38cm head size, 52 cm length

10th june, kenduri arwah atuk for 100 days...(Ya Allah, tempatkan roh atuk dalam golongan roh2 orang beriman, bertaqwa & beramal soleh) temukan aku dengan atuk di akhirat nanti.. Amin.

9th June to 9th July OLE OLE WORLD CUP....what ur dream TEAM? of course not for CROATIA..but the loss d game already...go ARGENTINA GO!!

Coming event...
GJC (Golden Jubilee Ceremony for 50th anniversary *my old school STF * will be held on 3 days run...30th June - 2nd July, 2006, inviting outsiders to come and enjoy the mini carnival and events take place on that particluar days..C U THERE!!! will be incharged in car parade...kereta mak aku jadik korbannyer...;)