Monday, February 06, 2006

6th February 2006 whole weekend were fully utilised ;) Spent on the road most..Saturday 4th February, my cousin aizat persuaded for late outing after zuhur, (bleh yer kak lina...) takperlah budak2...he must ave few unsettled agenda wif bengkel guys, he loiter day by back to the trip to kl..i wonder why i'm being sleepy, wif full stomach, loaded wif cadbury, snikkers, smarties, ..etc. i shud dare not denied...we reached usj at 7pm..wif heavy pouring and thunders, (the curse followed my mum lah tuh)..kecoh berceriter, i've forget to tell him i've safely marah jer dier...he reached usj at 9.30..having dinner together, and moved to fuzah's place for logistics (my stuff shipped in several months ago..baru sempat nak mengambik) meet eti (my lil sister) ; standby kat bangi..ahaks once again miscommunication lagik...only 10.40pm we've reached fuzah house..kat sungai ramal dalam..ehem...nice house lah...

*got my squash nyer...tapi dunno where the courts are...gonna survey the location..nantilah...dah lama tak der indoor heavy xtvt...

time passing fast...i have to u wif more story d mory...emmmm..teringin nak makan indulgence cake kat secret recipe...

Thursday, February 02, 2006


January ended...February steps in...

28th January 2006, my border line of 20s...tak percaya?? i told my friend....this year is my finale 20s programme...reaching 30s plak next year...thanks to all who sent me ur wishes...for long life & prosperities..what i need is a dosage of maturity & prosperities...

Hari nih dah hari kedua, bulan 2 2006...what i've done so far? went to kursus kawin wif my fiancee and my good friend azlina & nihra....part of preparation into family commitment..;) dah ready ker?