Thursday, July 28, 2005

Me & Saiful..during NAsh Wedding

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As promised, here i attached Nash pic. during his wedding..Me, busy sms handphone..(candid pic..sya!!!teruk tau..I'm not ready) and Saiful next to Nash...Norulaidi..she's so sweet...
well...DESTINY dedication for both couple yer...


Jim Brickman Featuring Jordan Hill & Billy Porter

What if I never knew
What if I never found you
I'd never have this feeling in my heart
How did this come to be
I don't know how you found me

But from the moment I saw you
Deep inside my heart I knew

Baby you're my destiny
You and I were meant to be
With all my heart and soul
I give my love to have and hold
And as far as I can see
You were always meant to be my destiny

I wanted someone like you
Someone that I could hold on to
And give my love until the end of time
But forever was just a word
Something I'd only heard about

But now you're always there for me
When you say forever I believe


Maybe all we need is just a little faith
'Cause baby I believe that love will find the way

(instrumental bridge)

Baby you're my destiny
You and I were meant to be
With all my heart and soul
I give my love to have and hold
And as I far as I can see
From now until eternity
You were always meant to be my destiny


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